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Jay Regal
Consulting Hypnotist
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Are These Claims About Hypnosis True Or False?
Hypnosis is surrounded by media hype, exploited in movie myths and exaggerated in tales
of supernatural folklore. Take Jay Regal’s quiz on Hypnosis to separate fact from fiction.

1. The phenomenon called Hypnosis is paranormal and supernatural.
2. Hypnosis is just another word that means sleep.
3. A person's will power weakens in Hypnosis and surrenders to the stronger will of the Hypnotist.
4. Hypnotized people unintentionally reveal secrets.
5. Relaxation is not required for Hypnosis.
6. People never get stuck in Hypnosis because they always hold the power within themselves to remain in control.
7. Hypnotized people do not remember what happens during a session.
8. Certain personality types are more hypnotizable than others.
9. Hypnotists can enable people to perform way beyond ordinary feats of strength, endurance and sensory acuity.
10. Hypnosis is neither dangerous nor unpredictable.
11. Approximately one out of every three people are hypnotizable.
12. In order to select the best Hypnotherapist for myself, I must pick the one with the best education and training.
13. It takes more than one Hypnotist to have a successful therapeutic session.
Here Are Twenty Famous People Who Used Hypnosis...
Kevin Costner to cure from sea sickness, Winona Ryder to quit smoking, Michael Jackson to release musical mental blocks, Sean Connery for personal development, Tiger Woods to excel in golf, Sigmund Freud to develop modern psychiatry, Sylvester Stallone to cope with rejection, Michael Jordan to become a basketball legend, Jack Nicklaus to excel in golf, Shaquille O’neal to become an excellent basketball player, Albert Einstein to sharpen his mental powers, Julia Roberts and Bruce Willis to deal with stuttering, Mel Gibson to cope with personal issues, Daryl Hannah to overcome stage fright, Cary Grant to overcome insomnia, Princess Diana for confidence with public speaking, Dolly Parton to improve her songwriting, Demi Moore to forget her love for Aston Kutcher and John Travolta for added confidence to enhance his acting skills.

Information on the Journey Ahead
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a trancelike state in which you are neither asleep nor wide awake but somewhere pleasant in between. It is a state of deep physical and mental relaxation in which you can focus your subconscious mind on whatever you would like to obtain.
What does hypnosis feel like?
Hypnosis feels normal, like falling asleep or zoning out. It is similar to experiencing a daydream. Many people report feeling lighter, fresher and freer.
Am I hypnotizable?
Anyone with normal intelligence who can easily follow simple directions can be hypnotized. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. It gets easier and easier each time you do it. Like learning how to ride a bike or drive a car, quickly you can learn how to hypnotize yourself.
Is hypnosis safe?
Hypnosis is safe for anyone who is not suffering from severe mental illness.
Is hypnosis good for me?
Yes, hypnosis is a wonderful method to use, if you are motivated to achieve a particular need, desire or goal faster than by ordinary traditional talk therapy.
Will I do something against my will?
When you are hypnotized, you are apparently aware of all suggestions given to you, so you will not do anything against your moral or ethical principles.
Can I get stuck in hypnosis?
You are always in control of your mind and your body while in hypnosis. There is no going under. You are “in” hypnosis only when and how you want to be. At all times, everything you do is a choice. You choose to enter hypnosis. You choose to remain in hypnosis. You choose to accept the suggestions. And, you choose to emerge from hypnosis.
How does hypnosis happen?
Hypnosis occurs as you enter an altered state and your focused attention narrows. If you are engrossed with an activity such as watching movies, video games or a computer screen, this can lull you into hypnosis. This is why television ads are so powerful.
Will I remember everything that happens in hypnosis?
Your awareness will be heightened, so you can remember everything that happens. Occasionally, a person chooses to forget certain facts for a while and then brings them up later when he or she is ready to acknowledge them.
Why use hypnosis?
You have probably heard that we use only 10% of our brain power. With hypnosis, a hypnotist or hypnotherapist can access the other 90% to create lasting change.
Does one’s approach matter?
Approach matters if solid solutions for resolving your problems matter to you. Many hypnosis practitioners try to create change fast overusing suggestions to override unwanted behaviors, but suggestion-only-hypnosis will wear off and break down over time unless the source of one’s particular concerns is well addressed. Suggestions alone offer a short-term fix, a “band-aid” remedy, temporary and quick appearing success at best. Quite often original unwanted triggers end up returning, since escapism is still desired by a needy client.
Why request Regal Hypnotic Procedures?
Few practitioners of this esoteric art and science truly know why and understand how to: clear interfering energies, regress to the origin of one’s concerns and fully address healing fundamentals with hypnotic techniques and procedures. Till the source of one’s negativity is properly exposed and expunged, it lingers. It often hides out and waits in the shadows, looking for opportunities to return. Only by getting rid of the menace, the bewildering “Why?” once and for all, can anyone ever be totally assured of a job well done.
To learn more about Hypnosis go to

Answers To Hypnosis Quiz
1. The phenomenon called Hypnosis is paranormal and supernatural. FALSE. Hypnosis is like a guided meditation, and occurs naturally throughout the day. When you drive a car and your conscious mind gets preoccupied, the subconscious mind takes control. Realizing that you have suddenly arrived at your destination without being aware of how you got there is a mild state of hypnotic trance. Getting engrossed with TV, lost in a book or becoming influenced by radio advertising are other examples. All Hypnosis is Self Hypnosis.
2. Hypnosis is just another word that means sleep. FALSE. Hypnosis is a word that was coined by James Braid, a mid 19th century British doctor, derived from Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep, however it is a misconception that you have to be zonked out and unconscious to be in a hypnotic state. A person in Hypnosis is fully aware and responsive. One can hear, talk and move about as well as concentrate better and be more attentive.
3. A person’s will power weakens under Hypnosis and surrenders to the stronger will of the Hypnotist. FALSE. Hypnosis does not make people submit and go against their will. The subject remains in control at all times and can always end the hypnotic state at will. You will always be capable of making your own decisions and never do anything that is against your moral code.
4. Hypnotized people unintentionally reveal secrets. FALSE. Hypnosis does not make one reveal something one does not want to disclose. To the contrary, one can convincingly fabricate stories, tell tales and create other fictions since fibs and lies appear more real and believable to a person who is in Hypnosis. The subconscious mind embraces imagination.
5. Relaxation is not required for Hypnosis. TRUE. Hypnosis can be induced during vigorous physical activity and stressful emergency situations. Although Hypnosis usually brings about profound relaxation, it is not a prerequisite for Hypnosis.
6. People never get stuck in Hypnosis because they always hold the power within themselves to remain in control. TRUE. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that we naturally drift into and out of. Nothing can ever have an effect on you unless you permit it. Whenever we choose to change our state of mind, we can revive ourselves at will.
7. Hypnotized people do not remember what happens during a session. FALSE. Hypnosis does not hinder ones memory. All long-term memory is stored in the subconscious mind indefinitely, however the conscious mind sustains memory only temporarily. Sometimes Clients will forget what is transpiring in a session because the Hypnotherapist will suggest amnesia, however usually everyone recalls most of the details. Typically people have limited attention spans and remember only fragments of what is being said in a long speech or boring lecture. Whatever interests you most is normally memorable.
8. Certain personality types are more hypnotizable than others. FALSE. Hypnosis is not correlated to Jungian personality types. Whether one is INTJ (introverted freethinker) or ESFP (friendly outgoing entertainer), INFJ (future oriented mystic) or ESTP (action oriented adventurer) matters not. Some people are simply more hypnotizable than others.
9. Hypnotists can enable people to perform way beyond ordinary feats of strength, endurance and sensory acuity. FALSE. Hypnosis can help one achieve optimum levels of peak performance, develop physical abilities and enhance mental skills, however it cannot make anyone do unnatural feats.
10. Hypnosis is neither dangerous nor unpredictable. TRUE. Hypnosis occurs naturally, typically every 90 minutes on average, to everyone every day. These regular ultradian rhythms are an innate quality of being human just like blinking an eye is a natural reflex. Examples include daydreaming, fantasizing and pondering life.
11. Approximately one out of every three people are hypnotizable. FALSE. Hypnosis works for everyone who is reasonably intelligent and willingly able to follow instantaneous commands of the Hypnotherapist.
12. In order to select the best Hypnotherapist for myself, I must pick the one with the best education and training. FALSE. Hypnosis works best when the bond is strong between the Hypnotherapist and the Client. What matters most is the closeness and trust of their interpersonal relationship. The biggest factor is rapport. You need to feel comfortable, relaxed and at ease in order to be hypnotized. A harmonious connection is ideal.
13. It takes more than one Hypnotist to have a successful therapeutic session. TRUE. At least two Hypnotists are required to have a successful session. One is the leader who provides a safe environment conducive to Hypnosis and the other is a wiling follower who readily complies with the hypnotic suggestions. Go To Next Section