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Life is overly challenging, chaotic, hard &  stressful 


Life is calm, productive, 
harmonious & flowing

You're living the story you tell yourself and are stuck because your unconscious programming from your past still hides inside your mind. Get clarity to change that story and your life rapidly improves.

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Welcome to Regal Thoughts

Let's Begin By Decoding The Mystery: What Is Healing?

First of all, curing is not healing. Curing concerns making your problems go away without asking any insightful questions. This temporary relief merely addresses your symptoms. Healing requires embracing the source of your problems, so you can transform yourself. You need to fully understand yourself to resolve your issues. That journey is an evolutionary mind, heart, body, spirit phenomenon employed by your higher self to achieve conscious personal mastery. The healing process involves taking fragmented parts of yourself and making them whole.


Everything is a Choice

Buddha’s famous quote is: “We are what we think.” Unless we end negative thoughts, they upset us indefinitely. If you are stuck in a rut, with thoughts that regularly bother you, you will need help to get out of your trap. Thoughts we think about repeatedly define who we are and what we do. We are the grand total of every thought we ever had, both positive and negative. Take responsibility to direct your thoughts and your life becomes the life that you chose to live. Choose wisely!

What stops you from getting what you want in life? The honest answer is humbling. Your attitude matters. A negative mindset is often one major hurdle that you will need to jump over to get to the other side. Having a positive mental attitude is winning. But, what if outside influences are interfering with your progress? When you grew up, you heard plenty of objections. Mom said no; dad said no; preacher and teacher said no; your best friend said no. What did you then say to yourself? Did you accept their negative suggestions as final? The thoughts that prevent you from getting where you want to be in life need to be addressed. You can put an end to your sticking points. All you need is a fresh start. "Hypnosis has helped millions. It can help you, too."

You would like help with...
Pain • Weight Management • Self Improvement • Solving Problems
• Sports Performance ​• Procrastination • Building Relationships • Sex Life

Blocked Energy • Testing Anxiety • Finding Life Purpose Creating Healthier Habits
• Sleeping Well • Public Speaking • Overthinking • Self Confidence


Are There Any Guarantees?
Yes, once we know we can work together and commit to put in the time it takes, you become assured.
You discover that you can experience constant and never-ending improvement and attain your goals.

You be the judge. Regal Hypnotic Procedures are 100% guaranteed to work or your Initial Session is completely free!

"Comfort is queen, but clarity is king."

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